
Beamish Museum - The Great War Steam Fair.


By now, you should know that when it comes to Beamish Museum, I'm a bit of a fan. This week/end (Thu 7th - Sun 10th) they had a special event on called 'The Great War Steam Fair' which is their annual and famous fair.  It's basically a lot of vehicles such as steam trains and various bikes/cars parading about and lots of keen people going to have a good old gander.

It's also a chance to focus on the First World War, the transports used, and mining life at the time. I went on Sunday with my mother and the pooch for a quick look around.

I thought it was great if I'm honest. I've been to Beamish a fair few times in my life and never have I seen it so busy. We went at ten in the morning and it was already rammed with people, the car parks pretty full. By the time we left a hour and a bit later the queues were out of the door. It was mental. (I guess I didn't really know how popular the event would be.)

I loved looking at all of the different vehicles and things. Seeing all of the staff in proper costumes and going about their work. It felt like a real place if that makes sense and not just a really good replica. Everyone was really getting into the spirit of things.

The main town area was really busy. There were loads of vehicles parked up by the side of the road. Think war trucks, vans advertising sugar and rations and even posh looking classic cars not too differnet from the one in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. There was even a couple of guards dotted about.

Someone was getting a picture of this lady and I quickly jumped beside them and took my own little one. I think she makes a great suffragette. 

It was weird just walking about and then all of a sudden an old fashioned car would go past with a family inside or a elegantly dressed couple. Everyone would wave as they went by too which was nice.

At every little section there was something new to look at. There were more vehicles at the railway and of course lots of trains and steam engines. There were lots of enthusiasts about with their big cameras taking it all in. I wasn't the only one taking photos for once.

We didn't have a lot of time to look around so we had to give Home Farm and the 1900's Pit Village a miss. I did notice some bright white tents as we went past though.

This was my favourite photo of the day, this couple. They just looked so cool, such an integral part of the scenery and just effortless. The dog totally set the look off too.

All in all it was a great day (hour and a bit). I've never really looked into the different events that Beamish do. (apart from Halloween and Chrstmas) I know they must have them on all of the time. It's a great way to get a new experience from a well loved place. I'll definitely be looking out for other things in the future. 

There's also the £17m expansion to look forward to. I read there's going to be a cinema house among other things. (too excited)

Did any of you check out the steam fair?

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  1. Wow just look at that beautiful blue sky! I love Beamish, as soon as we get a car we're getting a pass!

    1. Yes do it! It's so worth the money just for the sweet shop alone. Plus it's nice going into all of the cute little buildings and things :)


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