
Muggy Skies and Beach Days.


It’s been a while since I had a little beach visit. Now probably doesn’t seem like the best time to go considering the freak weather we seem to be having. I mean I know April is known for showers, but I doubt they mean snow showers.

I didn’t let it get me down though. Between the heavy rain and spats of sunshine, a walk along the sand didn't seem so bad, I jumped in the car with my best bud Nic for a day of ‘whatever the hell we fancy’. You ever have those days when you just want to go somewhere and you don’t really plan it out, it just kind of unfolds as the hours pass by. Yeah one of those days…

We walked along Tynemouth beach. I tried to be all arty and clever by taking photos of shells. Judge them for yourself, I think I need a bit more practice. There was a ship on the horizon in the distance and it’s pretty much been the backdrop to every picture I took. I’m not complaining though, it was a good focal point. (Look at me trying to be all professional.)

When the cold got too much we headed to the Bluereef Aquarium to let our inner child out. Nic is obsessed with sea life and well, who would say no to looking at brightly coloured fish and strange creatures?

We stopped for lunch at Brown's Salt House too. 

After that we headed over to Cullercoats Bay for a quick wander before returning to the car where the 4hr parking ticket was about to run out. I couldn’t believe how fast the time went.

They tide was out and I love how the grittiness of the black looks against the sand. Obviously we had to take the compulsory foot selfie. I promise I own other shoes besides these grey converse that are in every picture. (They're just my favourites.)

We reminisced about school trips and sitting on the massive steps. We walked along the peer, Nichola pretending she was on a catwalk. Me, trying not to get too close to the edge. (I hate heights.) There’s no denying the views from up high are something else though. I love the little houses and how seaside village they look.

The sky looked crazy, almost as if it was falling down. Maybe that's just my mad mind talking. The effect looked cool though. My little boat friend in the distance.

It was a great little day. I love being next to the coast and just listening to the waves and having a leisurely stroll. It's relaxing and calm and seems to make my worries just float away. You know I'm a nature freak so maybe that has something to do with it.

I urge you all to get out there and explore, if it's sunny, great, if not, wrap up warm. It will definitely be worth it...

Where is your favourite beach spot in the North East?

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