
The Surprise Baby Shower at Santana's Whickham.


I don’t know about you, but any excuse to eat cake and I’m there. At the weekend we planned a surprise baby shower for my cousin Danni who’s expecting a baby boy. (In a matter of weeks really) Just the initial going to Next and looking at all of the cute baby clothes we could get her was enough to make me giddy.

We booked Santana’s in Whickham which is a pizzeria and specialises in all things Italian. It’s nestled right on the high street among the classical shops and businesses nearby. The décor inside was minimalist, with flashes of black and red dotted on the tables.

A spot was secured right next to the window which was ideal as we were making demands for extra space and tables as soon as we arrived to prep everything. The staff were more than happy to oblige, so if you’re on the lookout for restaurant space for a special occasion try them.

Everything was blue, blue and then some more blue. Balloons and banners were popping out from everywhere (well within the vicinity of our ever expanding corner.) We set up a table nearby with all of the extras. Everyone had a baby bottle filled with sweets. There were cakes with babies faces on them. Goody bags were made by Do is a Favour which everyone loved. They had little baby soaps and sweets and some good old fashioned sashes with nicknames on them. They were a nice touch. I may be biased as they're made by my brother's girlfriend Lorii, but check them out for yourself.

My mam made a little flower box filled with blue and white roses. Just something different, but it really brought everything together. She's just started a business specialising in artificial flower arrangments. (Anytyne Flowers) With a Facebook page coming very soon. I promise this isn't a post just trying to get you all to buy things. It was just a right old family affair with everyone getting involved. Plus people have exciting projects developing and I wanted to tell the World. (Or the few of you that read this)

I was in charge of games. Having never been to a baby shower before I wasn't sure what to do. After a few hours on Pinterest it was like I was the special chosen one. This role was made for me and I couldn't wait for everyone to have some fun.

We made babies out of playdoh and got the waitress, (who by this point was probably sick of us) to pick a winner. I say babies, but there was one that looked like a turtle, piglet, an old man and even some questionable looking private parts. (I'll say no more.)

Next on the agenda was 'Guess the Baby Food'. Yes it really was as disgusting as it sounds. I tried one and that was more than enough for me. Just smelling them in the pots brought back so many memories though.

Last but not least was 'Preggers or Porn' as you can imagine this one went down a storm. Everyone wrote down their answers, thankfully. I mean it's a family business. It was hilarious non the less though. Definite hit for any of you out there wanting to plan a shower.

Food wise, we all went for the lunchtime special which was three courses for £3.95. It was such a bargain. I had potato skins for starters and then half pizza (cheese and mushroom) half pasta (tomato tagliatelle) which tasted amazing. I'm pleased I opted for a bit of both as there's no way I could have eaten a full pizza to myself. Everyone else had the same idea too.

It's a set menu, but you can order some other things for an extra £3 which is nothing really. I got a couple of lemonades and my meal didn't even come to a tenner. 

The food was great, the company even more so. It was such a beautiful little afternoon just chatting with the other ladies (we try to be) and having a laugh being silly and playing games. If this is what I've been missing out on then boy I need to go to another baby shower sharpish.

P.S. Sorry I've been gone for a while. I thought I might be done with blogging, but it seems I can't let go just yet. I have so many posts up my sleeve so keep an eye out. 

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  1. Love the game ideas! The playdough babies are hilarious!

  2. Surprise baby shower!! That’s really cool! In the last month we had also received a fun filled baby shower for our bay number two. It was hosted by my cousin and it was hosted at one of the most beautiful event space in Chicago. It was the superb party that I have ever received.


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