
A Quick Breakfast Stop at Garden Kitchen.


Breakfast, they say, is the most important meal of the day. I’d have to agree, but more than that it’s definitely my favourite meal of the day. Half the time I’ll skip lunch as I’m off pottering about doing something that seems more important than eating. (Bold words for an eater like me.)

Some days soggy cereal just won’t do though, and the only other option is to go out into the world and see what else is on offer. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and spend some quality time with my brother whilst also having a bite to eat at my all time favourite place. I swear one of these days I’ll venture further afield, but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Isn’t that what they say? 

We went to Garden Kitchen. (If you haven't already guessed.) The snug little bistro/quirky eatery in the quiet segment of Eldon Gardens. Believe me the quietness makes all of the difference. Granted, it was early in the morning so there weren’t many people there to start with, but it was definitely away from the hustle and bustle. 

The place never gets old for me. I love the mixtures of wood and leather and the odd perspex chair dotted about. Besides that, the food is always good quality.

From the Menu:

Camomile Tea - £2.75
Sourdough or Wholemeal Toast, Northumbrian Jam & Butter - £2.25
Freshly Baked Croissant or Pain au Chocolat - £2.45

My brother got an upmarket sausage and bacon sandwich too. I was slightly disappointed as the menu online was different to the one when we got there. I had been setting myself up for a bagel with smoked salmon, and it was just nowhere to be seen.

Don't get me wrong, the sourdough toast was beautiful. I loved that it was a big portion and it came with raspberry jam. I much prefer it to strawberry these days so that was great. The tea was fresh and really hit the spot and even though I was near bursting, I managed half of the pastry, before giving the rest to my brother.

The food is always top notch at Garden Kitchen and that's why I like it. I've had a better variety on previous visits and I don't know if I'd return for breakfast. It was still better than any toast I would have gotten at home though.

Can you recommend any nice places to go for breakfast or brunch?

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  1. I love Garden Kitchen, the food is great and it's always so lovely and peaceful. Even if you go on a Saturday lunchtime you can always get a seat. Have you tried one of their picnic tables? That's my favourite thing to order.

    There are some fantastic places for breakfast in Newcastle, I did a guide recently:

    Chloe x

    1. Hi Chloe, Oh My God, I live for the Garden Kitchen picnic tables. I've had two now and think it's about time I go for thirds haha. Oh thanks for stopping by and sharing your guide I'll definitely check it out. I'm hankering for some new places to go :)

  2. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada! This looks like a lovely place to have a great breakfast. Great photos!

    1. Hi Linda, glad you like the photos, thanks for stopping by :)


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