
Browsing at Living North Live.


On Saturday I roped my mother into coming along with me to Living North Live. It’s basically a fair that showcases things for the home/garden and lots of food-type stalls too. Believe me when I say this, the food they had on offer was bloomin’ amazing. I’m talking fudge, cheeses, cakes…but more about that later, I’m getting ahead of myself.

I had never even heard of Living North Live before if I’m being honest. It’s an annual thing though, and I’d definitely be up for going back at some point. There was an offer on Living Social and it sounded like something that would be right up my street. We managed to get two tickets for the price of one (£7) which was a bargain really.

It was held at Newcastle racecourse from Friday 20th March until Sunday 22nd. The only tickets we could get were for the 10:00am slot on the Saturday. At first I thought it was a bit early, but when we got there it was already heaving with people. By the time we left a couple of hours later, it was hard to really get moved at all.

Let’s start with the housey things. There were numerous stalls selling all kinds of homewares. I loved looking at the different things on offer. I really appreciate it when someone makes the effort to really showcase their goods. I could literally spend hours looking through vintage treasures or pretty stationary. There was one woman selling homemade dog treats. The stand was called Wellybix. You know how dog crazy I am. There was no way we were leaving without getting something for Poppy. We got her some peanut butter biscuit treats and popcorn for dogs. She’s not too keen on the popcorn as of yet though.

My mam was also looking for things for the wedding. She went away with two gorgeous Mr and Mrs mugs, which she’s going to use to put flowers in on the top table, and then they can obviously just use them for tea or booze at home. (I’m joking, it’ll just be tea.) She also got some tiny little blue pegs for place names. The woman who owned the stall was lovely, and we had a nice little chat with her.

The food, the food, the food…

I love it when there are samples, you know, little cheese cubes on cocktail sticks, snapped up biscuits with jams and chutneys. Basically every stand that we came to, we sampled the goods that were on offer. I mean it would be rude if we didn’t really. 

Highlights for me, were marshmallows in every flavour imaginable by The Magnificent Marshmallow Company. I tried the blueberry one which were amazing. There were lots of different types of chocolates too.

There was a stand selling Easter eggs and other confections all with an Alice in Wonderland theme. They were called Martha & Lulu. There were choc mock turtles and everything.  I’m dying to go online and check them out again. We left with big slabs of cake from The Pudding Parlour. I’ve only managed a couple of mouthfuls so far, but its so moist and tasty.

Honestly I could go on and on. It was a really great day. It was good to just browse and see all of the different things on offer. Even if you’re not buying you can still sample many different things. There was also demonstrations and talks on throughout the day by professional chefs and experts.

They were also doing Afternoon Tea, which we just had to stop by and sample. 

Did any of you experience Living North Live?

What was your favourite part? (Like you could even pick one)

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