
Flashback Friday: Glastonbury Festival Fun.


When: 2011
Where: Glastonbury

I've been to a couple of festivals in my lifetime. (I'm saying that as if I'm an old woman looking back on my youth.) None of them are quite like Glastonbury. It's the daddy of the festivals. Here in the UK at least anyways. You've got to go once and try it. Just try not to think about the dire toilet situation and the no sleeping for four or five days. Apart from that, the atmosphere and the live music more than make up for it.

I went with best bud Nic and her cousin Craig. Nichola actually took most of these photos. So if you ever read this Nic, thanks for the photos. 

Glastonbury starts before you even get there. It's the long ass car journey. Then the dragging your overly full bag and tents and drink and every other random thing that you've brought with you (just incase) over the many fields until you find the spot that is just right for you. Your home for the next few days.

You quickly unpack and then suss out the toilet situation. Usually whilst sipping on one of the warm cider cans that you've brought with you. You chat to your friendly neighbours and strike up random friendships with other festival goers. It's just all part of the deal. Then you're on your way.

It's sussing out the bands you want to see. Noting the times and going to all of the various other things that are on. Finding the best food spots and getting your grub on. You can only hope that whilst you're doing this, it doesn't decide to constantly rain. Add slippy mud and squelchy wellies into the mixture and its a whole other ball game.

Thankfully whilst we were there it never rained. If anything it was too hot and too sunny, but I'm not going to complain. Anything is better than rain.

The year that we went, the headliners were U2, Coldplay and Beyonce. I'm not a huge U2 fan, but they were great. I frigging love Codplay so I could have watched their set for hours on end. I think they're magical. Their songs always give me goosebumps too. 

Then there's Beyonce. I mean what can I say about Beyonce. She was bloody amazing. All diva and professionalism. She put on such a great performance. It was the best way to end the Sunday night. The best way to end the festival.

From start to finish the festival was a laugh. I mean we probably got way too drunk and sang way too loud. Danced like idiots and just had fun. I mean that's what it's all about.

Every time I go to a festival, I end up thinking: No, never again. What can I say, the toilet situation bugs me. I hate smelling all gross and I hate not getting enough sleep. Then I see the line up for another one and for some reason I forget all of that crap. I guess you have to look past that to get to the good stuff. You won't be disappointed in the end...

Have any of you been to Glastonbury Festival?

What's you're favourite festival?

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