
Brown's Salt House Cullercoats.


When I found myself in the Cullercoats area with a hungry belly and a sky threatening rain, I was in need of food and shelter. Luckily I stumbled upon Brown's Salt House. I've passed it on a couple of occasions but never really knew what lay beyond it's doors. Right on the sea front with a sign making me feel all kinds of curious, I just had to pop in with my pal Nic to see for myself.

Inside it's like a pub come cosy little hub. One side is filled with the usual tables and chairs and the other side houses comfy sofas and armchairs. It's a mixture of shabby and modern with just a hint of groovy sixties vibe from their stylish brown and white patterned wallpaper. 

The warm neutral tones and different coloured wood harmonises with the soft lighting fixtures and the various bits and pieces placed throughout. One thing I loved in particular was a giant whale floating on one of the back walls. It felt very seaside-like but subtle, if that makes sense.

They had a few menus and a specials board. We both went for sweet potato burgers. I wasn't too keen on mine, I think I've just become a bit too accustomed to vegetarian type burgers and now they don't seem so special to me. It was the first time Nic had tried one and she loved it. So maybe it was just me. (I also forgot to take pictures, which is very unlike me.)

They did have so many vegetarian things on their menu which I was really impressed with. Some of the paninis like Somerset brie with portobello mushroom and pesto and melting mozarella with pesto infused vegetables sounded amazing, and I wish I had of went for one of those instead. 

There was lots of different touristy type leaflets about and magazines like Living North and The Crack. It was great just sitting for a while and having a little read as the rain came pouring down outside.

I've been very into planning little adventures and places to go, as has Nic, so this was the perfect opportunity to do so, and I loved it. We now have plenty of wishlists and runaway thoughts to focus on.

We got cake for dessert. I mean it would be rude not to. They had a cabinet filled with a variety of cakey treats. Nic went for carrot (good choice) and I went for a coconut and raspberry slice. (THE BEST CHOICE) 

Oh My! It tasted just beyond words if I'm being honest. I'm biased because even a sniff of coconut anywhere and I'm sold. It was just so sweet and delicious and I could have went straight back up and asked for another slice.

The bill came to around about £30 including drinks and things. Our burgers were nearly £10 alone. Like I say I wasn't very impressed with mine. It just seemed a bit dry and nothing special if I'm being honest. Next time I'll try a panini for nearly half the price.

 The cake was purely amazing and redeemed the whole thing for me though. Brown's Salt House had a lovely atmosphere. It was nice and quiet too. The staff were lovely and attentive and I mean you get free magazines to read too. What's not to love? We had a seat right at the window and you could see the sea from where we were sitting (minus the cold harsh winds and spray)

I'd definitely return, and it's worth checking out if you haven't done so already.

What's your favourite dish from Brown's Salt House?

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  1. I've often wondered what's inside too so am really glad you did this review! We'll definitely have to pop in next time we're strolling past (that is if I can manage to pull Simon away from Beaches and Cream!)

    1. Yeah you really should. They had lots of things on their menu and I'm sure that was just the daytime stuff....and I know what you mean about Beaches and Cream, it's always so busy I've still not managed to even get through the door yet...sigh...


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