
A Strange Walk to Nowhere.


A while back I took a little walk with Poppy through the woods and to nowhere in particular. It was just somewhere different to go, some new sights to see. I remember it being a gloriously sunny day.

The other day I decided to take her on that same route with my mam in tow, but instead of following it to the ‘t’ we went over some fields instead and took a different route. I’ve never been that way before so was curious to see what we would find.

It was quite sunny, but the rain kept spitting every so often. We crossed a couple of fields and then we came to a little bridge going over a stream. It was a picture perfect moment so obviously I had my phone out to take some photos. We came across an abandoned house/barn. We couldn’t help but get right up close to it and have a little nose through the place where the window should be. I don’t know what we were expecting to find, maybe squatters, maybe woodland animals having a tea party? Well there was just loads of rubble. I would have loved to have gone inside and explored more, but quite frankly I’d be scared stiff in case there was anything weird there, or the roof collapsed or something.

We decided that it was in such a lovely location, with your own little stream. I’d love to live in a place like that. It’s secluded and you have forests and open fields around you.

We kept hearing music playing (not in a creepy way) and my mam pointed out that it sounded like the carousel at Beamish Museum. We don’t live far from it and we were in that general area so she could have been right.

We continued up a dirt path  and past a lovely little cul de sac with a few beautiful looking houses in it. There was also some old fashioned caravans too. Heading up the road some more we could actually see Beamish. The railway and the buildings, the manor house. We were totally shocked that we had managed to walk over a couple of fields, a couple of paths and stumbled onto Beamish.

It was just one of those weird walks when you feel like you are on some kind of adventure. When you aren’t just walking for the sake of it, but walking with purpose, when you see things out of the ordinary and you get excited like a little child. 

A lot of places I go are dog friendly and mostly nature type places. There's just something so nice and simple about being able to just pull up in the car somewhere, get out, and walk around. Forget yourself for an hour or so, just be free for a little while and soak in the nature. Don't get me wrong I love being in the thick of it as much as the next person, but just sometimes I like to go off and wander the beaten track undisturbed.

Have any of you been on any secluded walks lately?

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