
The Hexham Day Trip: Part 2.


My family and I took a little day trip to Hexham. Well everyone except my brother Nathan, who was off gallivanting at a cottage in the countryside. You can see the first part of our trip here.

We ended a nice day looking around the gardens of HexhamAbbey or Hexham Parks as it is also known. If you’ve never been to the parks before what are you waiting for? Go; go now, I promise you won’t be disappointed.

We just seemed to have stumbled upon them by chance, as with the Abbey really, we didn’t know where we were going or if there were any real tourist type things to see in Hexham. Turns out there are, and they are pretty awesome.

Hexham Parks is made up of four different areas: Hexham House Grounds, the Sale, Cowgarth, and the Abbey Grounds. We started off in the actual park bit I think. By that I mean there was a band stand, benches, a skating park off to the side and you could also see a play park in the distance. My mam and Geoff sat for a minute whilst I tried to take pictures of my converse amongst the daisies (as you do.)

We moved off and you could see the Abbey in the distance through the trees. Even the trees at this place were glorious. Mixtures of pink blossom and deep red leaved ones. It was like a few different seasons mixed together in one spot.

We passed little streams, castle style walls. Then we came across the bowling greens. The sun was out and it was a glorious day anyways. The added surroundings were a bonus. You could see people occupying the benches at the side. It looks like it’s the popular spot for lunch breaks and things. How amazing it would be to sit in a nice garden instead of a bland staff room.

There were grand looking buildings with flowers growing up their sides. The whole place was absolutely gorgeous. I could have spent a full day just slowly walking around and taking it all in. The neat flower displays, the overhanging branches, there was just something royal and perfect about it all.

There was a pretty little sensory garden part too. Honestly it was actually amazing. Not just a park, but different well thought out garden spaces, all with their own unique touches to them. I'm a bit of a nature freak anyways so this just ticked all of the boxes for me.

The only thing that could have made this better was if we had brought a picnic, maybe a book and sat and chilled for a good few hours just enjoying the sunshine and being surrounded by such beautiful trees and flowers.

I'd definitely go pack to Hexham parks, its the kind of place that I bet looks good even in the winter covered in frost.

Have any of you been to Hexham Parks?

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