
Springtime Walking at Saltwell Park.


The last time I was at Saltwell Park taking photos it was a whole different scene. There were blankets of frost and a nip in the air. We are well into spring now and it’s around every corner. I was blown away by how many different colours were about. There were just so many pretty pink blossom trees, bright green grassy areas and shrubs and bushes in a mixture of colours. Half of the time I thought I was in some kind of botanical garden.

It was so peaceful at the park too. I know it can get busy as it is such a popular park and rightly so may I add. I went on Thursday night at about 5pm and there was hardly anyone about. So if you prefer it a bit quieter, I guess that is a good a time as any to go. Me and Poppy, (my pooch) just took a nice leisurely stroll about, whilst I tried not to look too weird going right up to the trees and taking pictures of them. (Thank God it wasn’t busy.)

With the nights getting even lighter, Saltwell Park is now open until 9pm. It took me a while to find the opening times online. On one it just said the park was open from dawn until dusk. I don’t know what century we are supposed to be living in? I wouldn’t have a clue what time dusk was. (Is it just me being daft?) When you’re at the park though, there’s a big sign at each of the entrances to keep you right.

I enjoy walking around Saltwell Park. Having a dog, means I get to go more than I normally would. I love that it has lots of different sections to it. So one day you might decide to just walk along the edge of the lake. Or another you might just fancy sitting in the rose garden and watching the squirrels play about. It’s great for a quick stop, when you just need to clear your head, or sit down for five and look at something pretty.

I love walking past the little bowling greens and seeing the club houses for the various teams. There’s a model boat club too. I’ve never seen them out on the water before, but I think it would be something cool to check out. There’s also a notice board that shows you the upcoming events and what not. It’s a real people park and there’s something for everyone.

Have any of you been to Saltwell Park recently?

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