
The Hexham Day Trip: Part 1.


Yesterday a few of us were off so we decided to take a little trip to Hexham. Poppy my pooch was at doggy day care (it’s a thing.) So myself, my mam and her husband-to-be (Geoff) jumped in the car and headed over.
I’ve never been to Hexham town before. I think I’ve been over once for a car boot sale, but never to the actual town to look at the actual shops and sights and what not.

As soon as we were out of the car I had my phone out snapping away. (I mean at this point, would you expect anything else.) I like quaint looking streets and a nice looking doorway. I go mad for a pretty coloured door. (I’m weird I know.)

Everyone was hungry so we hunted around for a little café to get some grub. We went passed so many cute looking places. I’ve made a note of them so that I know where to go when we go back. We ended up going to a little place that I wouldn’t have picked myself, but when you're with other people sometimes they get to decide. I mean its only fair right? I just got a tuna roll. Not the nice bit of cake I imagined having but never mind.

After that we had a look around all of the different charity shops. My mam’s going on holiday soon and has nearly got a full wardrobe together from charity shops. I find them boring. Not because they are charity shops (how many times can I say charity shops in one sentence) no, just because I’m not a big massive shopping fan to start with. I went in with them though and I had a look at the crockery. I’d love to come across a vintage tea set or a lovely teapot or jug.

After a while though I was uninspired, where were the sights? I mean I couldn’t write a post showing just the fronts of different charity shops.

We walked some more and I spotted a church. As we got closer we found out it was an Abbey. It was free to go in so we thought we’d have a little look around. There was a man going in at the same time. He worked there and he was very welcoming and friendly.

Hexham Abbey is a place of Christian worship dedicated to St Andrew. All I know is that's it's amazing. The outside is grand looking and regal. The inside is even better. The high ceilings, the stained glass windows, it was all quite breathtaking. I wasn’t sure if I could take pictures, but I sneaked in a couple. They had an interactive part to it too. You could smell different things and do rub drawings. Remember those where you rubbed a crayon over a raised surface and it brought out a picture. Definitely more for kids, but that never stopped us from having a gander. After all we are all big kids at heart are we not?

There's a cafe at Hexham Abbey too. If we hadn't already eaten I would have liked to have checked it out. At least it's another one I can add to the list.

The Abbey really is gorgeous. It was worth the visit to Hexham just to see that alone. In fact I would have been happy just leaving after looking around it. Where we went onto next was even better though. The Abbey grounds, or Hexham Parks. That's all I'm going to say for now... 

Have any of you been to Hexham or the Abbey?

Know any other great places to visit?

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