
Garden Picnic Time at Garden Kitchen


As a pre-birthday treat my mam treated me to a garden picnic form Garden Kitchen in Newcastle. We went here last year and had brownies and hot chocolate which tasted amazing. I’d been dying to try one of their legendary picnics for ages though. It was restaurant week and you could get a picnic for two for £15. There was no way we could turn the offer down.

We sat and perused the menu before deciding on our options. We picked vegetarian which included:

Chargrilled vegetable sandwich
Homemade slaw
Cous cous stuffed peppers
Buckwheat and sweet potato salad
Fresh scones with clotted cream and jam
Lemon Posset
Red velvet cake

The food didn’t take long at all and when I saw the little picnic table in all of its glory I nearly squealed in delight. I love food as much as the next person and probably more. Put it together with a bit of glorious presentation and it’s almost too much for me.

I’m not kidding when I say this. Every single thing tasted delicious. It was like reaching for one thing then finishing it and the next thing your greedy hands grabbed tasted even better. (If at all possible.)

 The real winners for me were the cous cous stuffed peppers and the salad. None iceberg lettuce and cucumber in sight (that’s pretty much the extent of my salad making skills.) It had pomegranate and dates in it, oh and rocket which is turning out to be one of my fave things. Everything just went so well together and it made it sweet and tasty. I’d definitely try making it again at home.

The scones were gorgeous too, smothered in jam and cream just the way I like them. The lemon posset had this beautiful biscuit. Honestly just everything about the meal was top notch.

I had expected big things, but honestly I was blown away by the sheer quality and the taste of the food. This has gone straight up to number one on my list of best afternoon teas. I know it’s technically a picnic, but it has all the makings of an afternoon tea, and a bloody good one at that. It’s also the first vegetarian one I’ve tried too. Just oh so amazing and the more I think about it the more I want to relive it.

You can try a garden picnic for £19.95 for two.

Have any of you tried one?

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