
When the Snow Came. (Part 1)


Remember that day in December when we had that mental snow storm. Well after looking through my window and watching it for a while, I knew I had to get out and about in it and take some photos. I’ve been waiting for what seems like forever for a decent bit of snow fall, so when the opportunity presented itself, I couldn’t turn it down. 

I went walking next to where I live with my pooch Poppy and managed to take some good shots of the snowy scene. I loved the snow covered Christmas trees and the frozen lake. Poppy had a good time running about like a crazy dog as per usual.

The snow was falling quite heavily and it seemed like it only took a matter of minutes before everything was totally white. I love how you can see big giant pellets of it in the pictures. No doubt about it, I was freezing walking around, but it was so much fun. The snow always seems magical to me.

I may have tried to get a decent shot of Poppy, which I try to do most times I'm not gonna lie. I think this is one of my favourites of her. I love the snow in the background and the patches of it on her head.

I'm so pleased I managed to just get out there and enjoy it before it melted away, which was probably just a couple of hours later. (It's precious stuff) The next day there were still remnants and I managed to get a whole batch of new style photos. So stay tuned...

Did any of you get snow where you are? 

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