
When the Snow Came. (Part 2)


The day after a somewhat heavy snow fall can be just as fun as walking through the blizzard itself. (Well if you're into that kind of thing.) Funnily enough, I am. It's amazing the difference a day can make. Yesterday everything was covered in this soft white blanket, whereas today, there were patches dotted about. The lake was still frozen though, and the sun was just slightly peeking through the dull sky.

I went a little bit further afield, into the woods and to the little stream. Getting to it reminds me of the Bog of Eternal Stench from Labyrinth. (I'm definitely a big kid at heart) It doesn't smell at all, but it's squelchy and difficult to get across at times. It's makes it worth it when I do reach the stream though, plus Poppy doesn't mind all too much.

Everything was just so serene and peaceful. The snow makes everything seem lighter too, even though the sky wasn't the brightest. This is the kind of spot where I'd love to live. I'd plonk a little cabin right beside a little stream and fall asleep listening to the water. (A girl can dream.)

Of course I got my usual fill of Poppy snaps. What can I say, I'm a crazy dog lady. She loves the snow too, so it's hard not to get caught up in running around with her and watching her play. My friend Nic wants to build an igloo. I'm just waiting for the next snow day to do just that, maybe I'll get a little sled too and really let loose.

Did any of you play out in the snow?

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