
Plans For The Year Ahead


Happy New Year and all of that!

Firstly, I kind of fell off the wagon by the end of last year. Blogging just kind of took a back step whilst I had other things going on. It was always in my thoughts though. (Bit mormid)

I’m back now though and I’m looking forward to a brand spanking new year of blogging and going on some nice little adventures.

Last year, I went to so many places and had so many great experiences. This year I want to continue to do so. I want to revisit those places that I loved. I want to discover different things and be open to new experiences. For example horse riding is something I’d love to get on board with. I want to make headway with my list of things I want to achieve like wild swimming and camping to name a few.

This blog for me has always been a journal, a place where I can share my journey, a place that I can look back on and remember the memories. If people want to stay a while and read a few posts, if they want to visit somewhere because I thought it was a place of interest then that’s a bonus. This year I’d like to connect with more bloggers, maybe those from the North East and see what things they love to do and can recommend. After all blogging is a social thing, I’d like to experience more of that side of things.

I’ll be taking a few trips further a field, whether they will be abroad yet, I’m still not sure. It’s always good to get away to somewhere new, even just a couple of hours away. So I’m looking forward to seeing what new things I can discover. I have a couple of weddings to go to do, which a definitely a good day out.

I guess this was a way for me to say hello again, and to stick in a few new year’s resolutions without calling them so. I’m more into little goals and mini life changes anyways…

What do you have planned for the year ahead?

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