
A Cloudy Day at the Angel.


Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that the Angel of the North is one of the North East’s top attractions.

It’s this great hulk of steel that looks over Gateshead, gracefully of course. I love it because I know that when I’ve been away and we’re driving back, I see it and I know that I’m nearly home.

I live precisely seven minutes’ drive away from the Angel. How do I know that I hear you ask? Well because I’m weird and I timed myself on the drive there yesterday morning.

Most places I end up going are usually dog friendly as I have a hyper pooch (Poppy) that just loves her walks too much. So instead of my usual route I decided to drag my brother along with me to take her to visit the Angel. 

It was a pretty cloudy and miserable day, but it didn’t dampen our spirits. After I took about fifty photos from all possible angles, we headed into the nearby woods to give Poppy a good run about.

A couple of deer ran into our path. I love it when that happens, and I’m not kidding every time it does it makes me feel like David Attenborough.

When I was in Primary school, my class were part of a project that worked with a musician to sings songs about the Angel when it was first built in 1998. I won't get into too much detail, I mean it's hardly a chart topper. I still have it though, and weirdly I still know most of the words to the songs we sang.

I fancy coming back in the Summer and seeing how beautiful the Angel looks against a bright blue sky background. Or maybe dusk when the sun is starting to set.

You can't visit the North East without dropping by to see the Angel of the North, you just can't.

Have any of you been to see the Angel recently?

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