
Flashback Friday: That Time I went to Hogwarts.


When: 2014
Where: Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

Did you hear the news?

The Hogwarts express is going to appear at the Warner Bros Studio Tour. It's arriving on Thursday 19th March. I cannot contain my excitement. You can read more about it in this article here. I just have to go again so I can see the new edition, there’s even going to be a little themed shop on the train.

When I went to London last year with the family there was just no doubt about it. I had to go to see the tour. We went in July so didn't get to see Hogwarts at Christmas with all of the glittering snow. (That's something else I'd love to see.)

I’m a huge Harry Potter fan (which probably goes without saying) but I’m also a huge film fan. (I work in a cinema, little fact for you there) I just love seeing movie props and set designs and working out where they belong on the screen and just everything that goes along with film basically. I won’t bore you with too much talk, because with this place the pictures really do the talking.

We went there on the little Harry Potter themed bus, which was exciting enough before you’ve even reached the place. You wait in line and see the little cupboard under the stairs and enter the Great Hall. Harry’s dorm room is there, Umbridge’s office, the Weasley’s flying car. I mean just standing outside of 4 Privet Drive whilst gulping down Butter Beer has got to be up there with one of the best experiences ever.

This is just one of those places that makes you feel free, it makes you feel like a little kid again. Well it did with me anyways. I grew up with Harry and the Harry Potter books and there's just something lovely and special about still being able to enjoy and appreciate this kind of thing even though I'm getting older.

Have any of you experienced the tour? 

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