
Flashback Friday: A Tunisian Day Trip.


When: September 2014
Where: Tunisia Port El Kantaoui

Late last year my mother and I (how posh eh) took a trip to Tunisia just to get away from the hustle and bustle you know how it is...

We spent a relaxing week lounging around and soaking up the sun. I witnessed sunrises and sunsets, spent early mornings swimming with the fishes, and I kid you not, sat for a good half hour trying to take a picture of lightning striking in a thunderstorm. (I got there eventually...)

We didn't really go on any trips because for us it wasn't that kind of holiday. We did spend a nice day going to the port though and it was glorious.

Port el Kantaoui is a great little place. I say little but it's pretty big really. There are various shops and market stalls and of course the actual port itself where there were many luxurious boats and yachts. I would love to go on a posh boat for the day. I wouldn't even have to own it, just going out onto the water would be a dream. There were people offering tickets for glass bottom boats and things but its not quite the same. 

After getting dragged into pretty much every shop, we were allowed to just walk around and enjoy the sights. We stopped for a cold glass of juice and watched the world pass by. There was a cart selling the most amazing nougat. Of course we got some, and it didn't even last the trip home.

If you do go to Tunisia, Sousse and find yourself in the area then check it out, just don't get lost like we did haha.

Have any of you been to Port El Kantaoui or Tunisia in general?

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