
Flashback Friday: The Pleasures of Blackpool.


When: 2013
Where: Blackpool

I can’t describe this little holiday as anything other than a total and utter hoot. We went for a few days my friend Nic, her then boyfriend David, and myself (I know third wheeling it, but it honestly wasn’t like that.) It was like three friends mucking about the whole time.

I literally had one of the best trips. I mean you know life is good when you get to go on those 2p machines for the majority of the day. Don’t get me started on the racing games either.

Highlights were definitely going to the top of Blackpool Tower, and for any of you that have been there you’ll know that little glass section that shows you the plummet below. I’m scared of heights so it was a quick scoot on and scoot off moment. It was still utterly amazing though.

We had fun pretending to give seagulls Geordie accents and Nic and I got horrendous henna tattoos. (Only in Blackpool eh)

I just loved how trashy and fun the place was. Shops sold anything and everything including the odd sex toy (stop blushing.)

The falling to bits pier and the hoards or random folk, oh and I almost forgot about the open-all-year Christmas shop. You could go to Blackpool just for that to be honest.

How can I mention Blackpool without mentioning rock?

There is rock everywhere you look, in about every kind of flavour imaginable. I even watched someone making some in the back of one of the shops.

We never went to the Blackpool Pleasure Beach and if I go back, I mean when I go back, its something I definitely want to see. Oh and if it could not be so windy and stay sunny for more than a couple of hours that would be great too.

If you're looking for a fun and wacky weekend then look no further then this.

Have any of you been to Blackpool?

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