
A Mysterious Woodland Walk.


I’m always on the hunt for different places to go walking. I mean I guess I kind of like walking, I have proper boots and everything. Mainly it’s to have somewhere different to take Poppy once in a while. I go crazy when I walk the same route day in and day out, I don’t know if the dog minds so much though.

I had never even heard of Ousbrough Wood before. My brother (Nayth) suggested it and it took us about five minutes to get there by car. You enter through a little dirt track after walking past a couple of lovely little farm houses, chickens clucking about. You immediately come to a little stream with a bridge going across it.

I love forests and woodland type places because (as sad as this sounds) it always makes me feel like I’m in some kind of fairy tale. Plus the air is always fresh and the sound of birds is nothing short of bliss.

There are just trees everywhere (as you would expect I can imagine.) They are just so tall though and you can be walking the path at one side, look up and be in awe at just how far they go up.

We crossed another little stream and walked up a lot of leafy trailed banks. When I say it’s steep I’m not joking. I, myself am not the fittest, but I managed it. It was very muddy too but I mean that’s all part of the fun. Do we ever really tire of getting a bit muddy every now and again?

As we reached the top (or as far as I could manage) we looked over the other side to see how far down the path was which we walked. It was crazy being up so high.

Getting up there was one thing but getting down was another. I’m terrified of heights and literally took the tiniest baby steps to make sure I didn’t fall on my ass. 

It’s a lovely walk, even in the colder weather. There are numerous drops and muddy paths, steps leading in all directions, bridges leading to and from places. (I could go on)

Everything just seems to have this mysterious presence about it. The air looks foggy and the forest seems enchanted almost. That could just be due to frost in winter time, but I choose to believe its magic instead.

I would definitely go back, I mean there’s so much more left to discover. I might just have to prepare myself for the steep hills.

Have any of you been to Ousbrough Woods?

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