
A Sunny Walk to Nowhere.


Sometimes it’s good to just find a bit of woodland and go on an adventure. I wish I meant the skipping along carrying a picnic basket kind. Sadly mine was more like being dragged along by the dog whilst trying to stop myself from falling down ditches and into muddy bogs. Add a little bit of sunshine into the mix though and it’s all good.

A couple of weeks ago I stopped by Ousbrough Woods. I’ve been back a few more times and fancied going somewhere a bit different. Where we normally park the car there is a separate walk. I have no idea what it is called or where it leads. The only thing I know is that it has a sign next to it saying ‘public footpath’ which is always good to know. I’m sometimes dubious if I think I’m walking on someone’s property or private fields or something.

It was amazing how different it felt compared to Ousbrough. When we went there it was dark and dreary, yet magical almost. On this walk there was barely a cloud in the sky. Huge trees were everywhere and there were paths leading in all directions. We passed a massive group of walkers trekking through the fields beside where we were. There were sheep too. I mean you know you’re in a good place when there’s sheep about. We walked for a good hour just weaving in and out of the trees and taking dirt paths to nowhere in particular. 

I hope the weather is on the up. Spring is just around the corner. That means nothing being in the North East, but one can still hope. Like I said, a little bit of sunshine does wonders. I’m just on the lookout for my next forest spot. Who knows maybe next time I can rustle up a picnic and maybe sit and chill for a bit. I might even stop the photo taking for five to really enjoy it.

Where are your favourite nature spots?

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