
Flashback Friday: Living it Up in Mexico.


When: 2006
Where: Cancun Mexico

Everyone has a dream destination they’d like to visit. I think mine would be anywhere with a white sandy beach to be honest. Cancun had that and so much more.

Back in 2006 a little seventeen-year-old me (just writing that makes me practically cry. I can’t believe how fast time is going) got to go on a dream holiday to Mexico, along with my family and my friend Steph. This was the start of a couple of drunken holidays that we shared together over the summer. (Me and Steph, that is) Just imagine being seventeen and care free, soaking up the sun, drinking whatever you fancy and just having such a good time with your best mate.

This holiday was literally everything. I remember going on excursions. One was a boat ride somewhere in little boats that we had to control ourselves. Just remembering it is making me giggle. I was bloody terrible. We went on pub crawls. Steph and I were seventeen and my brother fifteen. Obviously we didn’t go too overboard, my family have some rules. It was just a place so out of the norm for me. I remember getting my picture taking with a little Mexican man wearing a leprechaun costume. It was just insane. The bars were huge, the lights bright and the atmosphere unlike anything I’d known before.

The hotel we stayed at was called the ‘Royal Caribe’ I think. Don’t quote me on that though and even if I searched for pictures I’m guessing it’s probably changed in the last nine years. It was all inclusive and right on the beach front. We took pleasure just sitting by the pool and swimming in the sea. The food was great too. Buffets stocked to the high heavens with everything you could ever imagine. For a food lover like me it was literally paradise. I remember trying battered ice cream which was so amazing, weird but good. 

I'd recommend going to Bubba Gump Shrimp. They do the most amazing lobster and other sea food things. Plus there's a sign for your table saying 'Run Forest Run' which you have to turn when you want served. For clubs, well if I'm being honest I can't remember half of them. Definitely try Senor Frogs and Coco Bongo. If in doubt just watch the Geordie Shore episodes when they went there, I'm sure that will set you on the straight and narrow.

Its was great looking back through these photos. You kind of forget about things and it was just nice reliving it. I'll always remember the music and the daft things we did and said when we were there. 

I'd love to go back to Cancun. I know the experience won't be the same, but that's the beauty of it.

Have any of you been to Cancun?

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