
Sunshine at St Mary's Lighthouse.


When the sun makes an appearance in winter time, in the North East, well you make sure you are out there basking in it because who knows when you’ll next see it. I’m joking, but there’s no better place to go on a relatively sunny day than some sort of beach area.

St. Mary’s Lighthouse ticks all of the boxes. Nestled on a little island just off the Whitley Bay area stands the glorious white column. It’s next to grassland, various rock pools and nature reserves for birds and what not. I don’t know about you, I love walking along the beach and just listening to the waves, but sometimes I need more things around me to peak my attentions.

It’s a glorious little walk. You can head along the path gazing over the railings at the jagged rocks and glistening rock pools below. There are various grassy trails too. Or why not just go straight to the heart of it and take a trip up the lighthouse.

We took Poppy, so couldn’t really go up. I would love to actually go in the lighthouse and see what it’s like inside and also what the beach looks like from higher up. (I’m weird like that.)

Even if you aren’t heading inside you can still go up the ramp and get up close and personal (not in a weird way of course) There’s lots of picnic tables and boats parked up which you could take a great photo of. We have one hanging in our sitting room which I took a few years back. It was actually the last time I went to St. Mary’s lighthouse. I was thrilled that the boats were still there so I could take another cheeky snap.

We found a secluded part of the beach where no one else was and just let the dog run wild. She goes absolutely crazy in the sand jumping from rock to rock. I mean what's the point in even going to places with Poppy if she doesn't enjoy them herself?

For the human there’s plenty of food vans and things around. I’m telling you now it took all of my strength not to get some fresh made donuts, the smell was driving me insane. There's also a shop in the lighthouse.

It costs £2.85 for an adult to go in the lighthouse. It's free to just gaze at it from the outside and take hundreds of pictures. The walking on the beach part is free too. There's plenty of parking spaces for 80p an hr too.

Have any of you been to St. Mary's Lighthouse?

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