
Flashback Friday: Spanish Villa Holiday.


When: 2009
Where: Alicante

Four of us decided to go to Spain one year and stay in a friend’s family villa. We would have all been about twenty at the time. The previous year three of us were part of a group that went to Kavos so we kind of knew the score. We booked cheap flights, got over there, took a train and then a taxi to the villa. That in itself was an experience, before we even get started on the holiday.

Alicante was a lot different to Kavos though. A lot less faced paced for a start. We spent our days chilling in the pool at the villa and our nights going into the town for meals and the odd club if we could find one.

One night we took the train over to Benidorm and waited until morning to get the next train back. That was an experience and a half. The strip was nothing like we were used to but it was such a good night. We went to clubs that were full of Spanish people. We watched Sticky Vicky. I won’t elaborate on that any further. (Google her if you want to find out more.) We saw a stripper too. Again I won’t say anything more, but OH MY GOD! What a hoot it was.

Food wise, I remember eating steak and posh looking desserts. I remember the first time we went out for food, not realising where we were, that everyone mostly spoke Spanish. We got pizza, mine had banana on it. Not as gross as it sounds. (I’ve never had the same combination since though.)

One night we went to this great tapas bar and the food was immense. It was the first time I tried sangria. The restaurant was like an old fashioned tavern. I wish I had pictures of the dishes and the decor.

What I also remember from this trip was Michael Jackson dying. Someone found out the news and I remember how shocked we all were. It’s strange. But I can’t seem to think of this holiday without thinking of that.

I apologise now for the lack of photos. Most of them are of us smiling behind plates of food. The rest are blurry as hell, and no one wants to see that. I did manage to get a couple of nice ones of the villa though.

I wish my family owned a villa, or that we knew someone that did. It's such a nice, relaxing way to have a holiday. Don't get me wrong I love hotels, but you get to be yourself, laze around like a slob and not care what anyone else thinks. I love that. I love being surrounded by the people you love the most and just having a good ole' time.

Looking back through these, and remembering the holiday is making me want to find a villa and book a holiday asap, but it also makes me want to spend more time with friends. As you get older, other things take priority. I sometimes wish life were just as simple as having a nice little Spanish holiday in Alicante.

Have any of you been to Alicante? Or know anyone with a nice villa?

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