
The Autumn Nature Reserve Walk.


I live next to a nature reserve, which I may have mentioned once or twice. Or maybe every time I go there. (I guess I just really want you to know.) It’s been a little while since I had a good walk around the area though. Now that it’s Autumn I wanted to take Poppy my pooch and have a good little explore just like old times.

It was a pretty sunny day, but when the sun goes behind the clouds it can turn a bright blue sky into a dull grey. We walked by the lake and I waited as per normal until Poppy finished sniffing whichever patch she was interested in and joined me. 

Gone are the bees and butterflies, I still saw the odd dragon fly flitting about though. The bright coloured flowers are all but gone. That just makes way for the orange leaves on the trees. The deep red and yellow and the dark greens, the colours of autumn. It’s one of my favourite seasons, the colours being one of the main reasons.

Its the time for Halloween and Bonfire Night. For getting your big coat out and wearing matching gloves and scarves. I love it, if you couldn't tell already.

We went down to the little stream too. It's still overgrown. Poppy was getting lost in the tall grass. Promises of treats soon got her back by my side. 

I know these sunny days are all but going to disappear in a few weeks, I just want to make sure that I'm there ready to face the sun when it does show its face. Saying that I'm also way excited for snow, I hope we get snow. I love snow. How many times can I say snow. snow, snow, snow...

What do you love about autumn?

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