
When Judy's Affordable Vintage Fair Came to Town.


I like to think that I’m the kind of person that can go to a vintage fair and put together an outfit from the array of mismatched clothing and fabrics that they have. In reality, I’m the kind of person that wouldn’t have a clue. It still doesn’t stop me from going and looking around as if I know what I’m doing though.

I dragged my mother (Lillian) along to Judy’s AffordableVintage Fair that was being held at the Biscuit Factory to do just that. Judy’s is a place for vintage traders from all over the UK to show off their wares. Think vintage suitcases, stylish furs and enough brooches to fill every coat you own. (Not the best statement there, but I’m going with it.) Judy’s is celebrating their 10th year of successful business, so they must be doing something right.

I’m more of a window shopper, so I prefer to just look around instead of going crazy and buying lots of things. I’m trying to be more minimal with the amount of stuff I own too. The place was packed to the rafters though and it was hard to just wander around without bumping into people. There were a hell of a lot of students there too, boys as well which I was surprised about. It seems vintage is big news these days though, so that would probably explain it.

The jewellery and the way the displays are set out are always my main focus when I go to these things. I guess it is because I just wouldn’t know where to start with the clothes. At least if I got a necklace or a ring I’d be able to work it into something I already wear. The mannequins wearing the fur hats and the retro sunglasses always make for interesting pictures too. On the subject of sunnies, I'd quite like to get a big pair of cat eye ones or the little circular ones. I'm not sure if I'm cool enough to pull them off though. 

I went to Lou Lou’s Vintage Fair back in February and I don’t know, I just seemed to prefer that more. There were people doing makeovers and a band on and just the whole atmosphere seemed better to me. This was more like a car boot sale, don’t get me wrong, there were quality goods, but just something lacking.

It was £2 each to enter the fair, which seems to be the norm.

It was worth a look and if you’re after some serious vintage clobber then Judy's is worth checking out when they come back to Newcastle.

Do any of you have any other vintage fair recommendations?

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