
The Geordie Tourist Does: Derwent Walk Country Park.


Autumn is here and I love nothing more than grabbing my camera (phone) and going off to take some shots. It’s all in the burnt oranges and yellows of the leaves, the way they lay by the roadside. It’s all quite poetic really.

I went with the family and our pooch Poppy on a nice little stroll around Derwent Walk Country Park. We did have to intention of going to Thornley Woods, but we stopped just short of it and tried a different route instead. I’m all about the exploring of new places.

Derwent Walk Country Park is a mixture of woodlands, meadows, riverside and wetlands and reclaimed industrial sites all linked by the Derwent Walk. It is 11 miles long. I wish I could say we did the full trek, but no.
There were lots of various river points, mini waterfalls and ponds. I found a couple of swans and tried my best not to fall down the muddy bank whilst taking photos of them. Every runner, jogger, speed walker was out in force. Dogs and their owners running in sync, buggers with laughing children in them enjoying the outdoors. 

We passed the Butterfly Bridge but I didn't get close enough to take any photos. I did take ones of a quaint little bridge going over a stream that we explored. It's arch reminded me of a hobbit home in the Shire for some reason. (weird I know)
All in all it was a pleasant little walk. I'd like to follow a proper route next time. I know you can enter the walk from all different directions. So picking one and following a proper trail could be nice.
Have any of you been to the Derwent Walk Country Park before?

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