
The Rainy Beamish Museum Trip.


Sometimes having a pooch means having to go out in the pouring rain and act like you’re having a half decent time, whilst trying to pull a reluctant dog around, and not getting soaked through in the process. (Long winded or what) If that walk involves a trip to Beamish Museum then maybe for once the dog with cooperate and maybe it might not be so bad. Plus its autumn now, rain is pretty inevitable in the North East. It’s also a reason to get your big coat out. (Does anyone else say that?)

I love any excuse to go to Beamish. If we didn't have Poppy I think I’d get to go less and less if I’m honest. I’m also making the most of that yearly pass that I have. I dread the day when it runs out. Although forking over £18.50 to renew it won’t be that bad at all.

I went with my mam, whose sole intention I think was to go and get chips. If you've never been to Beamish before then you won’t know about Davy’s Fried Fish the authentic looking fish and chips shop that they have. Inside they have big fryers and lots of old fashioned tiles with decals on them and things. All you need to know is how amazing the chips taste. We each got chips with batter on and smothered them in salt and vinegar. They came open and wrapped in Beamish style newspaper. Such a cool touch. I didn't even care that they were getting rained on, they just tasted so damn nice.

Usually when I go to Beamish I take lots of photos and focus on a particular area of the museum. With it being so rainy we just paid more attention to walking around. We stayed close to the food source and went walking around by the school and the old fashioned houses in the 1900's Pit Village. I did notice some cool blue cobblestones and my converse may have happened to get a picture taken with them. (It's a darn habit I cant seem to break.)

Afterwards we went and got ice cream, which was more for Poppy than anything else. I mean she wasn't content with pinching chips every couple of seconds. Beamish also make smashing ice cream, rain or no rain, there's always a good time for ice cream.

There's always new things to see at Beamish, I guess that's why they give you a year pass. You need it alright. 

Later in the year they have their magical Christmas events. I went a couple of years ago and it was just something else. You got hot mulled wine on arrival, it was after hours so it was dark and the lights on the Christmas trees were twinkling. The houses had been given festive makeovers too. You also got to go into the hall and sing carols and things which was great. 

Tickets have probably sold out as it's such a popular event, but it's worth checking out.

Have any of you been to Beamish recently?
Tried their fish and chips?

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