
The Geordie Tourist Does: Saltwell Park in Autumn.


Saltwell Park is one of those places that I just never tire of. I like going in every season so I can see how the surroundings have changed. Since I hadn't been since May, I thought it was about time I paid a little visit.

Luckily, it was one of those glorious sunny days. I went with my gal pal Nic and my Pooch Poppy for a little walk about. I spent most of the time trying to coax the dog into actually walking. At one point I may have carried her, people may have looked and laughed. It was worth it to keep moving though.

The rest of the time was spent squirrel spotting and taking photos of the different coloured leaves on trees. I think I counted at least ten squirrels scuttling in front of us as we walked. I’m just waiting for the day, when I can actually get a photo of one. Then I shall be the true David Attenborough.

We went past the lake which is one of my favourite parts of the park. I just love the way the ducks and swans follows you as you walk along the side, and the way it can look green one minute and blue the next depending on the weather. (Look, I’m just weird ok)

Saltwell Park is just great as there are so many different sections to it. There’s always something new to see. Saltwell Towers is another favourite, one which will always make me think of fairy tales and happily ever afters. (I’m just an old romantic.)
They have events coming up like Enchanted Parks and their Bonfire Evening if you can mange to get some tickets. I know they're very popular.

Have any of you been to the Park lately?

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  1. Really need to have a good catch up with your blog! There's just so many gorgeous posts about the North East here!

    I LOVE Saltwell Park and I'm a little gutted cos we used to live walking distance and now we've moved to Newcastle so don't get to go anymore! I'll definitely miss it on bonfire night!

  2. Hey, Chloe I've been a silent fan of your blog since the beginning of the year when I stumbled upon it searching for Beaches and Cream no less. Thanks for stopping by. :) I know what you mean,Saltwell Park is such a lovely place. It just means you will have to make it a real treat whenever you get to visit.


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