
Brownies and Hot Chocolate at Garden Kitchen.


On Thursday I found myself over in town with my mam and her friend Margaret. We went so my mam could try on some wedding dresses. I can finally say that she’s chosen a dress and is happy with it. If you’ve been reading any of the weddingy type posts I’ve been writing you’ll know that she was nowhere near sorting a dress out. So this is some serious progress. (Happy faces all around.)

So we went to have a look around the shops for a while and then thought we’d find somewhere to go for a quick cuppa and a slice of cake. It was Margaret’s birthday so my mam wanted to treat her and take her somewhere. (I automatically get treated because I’m the daughter.)

None of us were sure where to go. We went into Eldon Gardens and that’s when I saw it. Standing there in all its rustic, yet shiny glory was Garden Kitchen. It was about half 11 in the morning so it wasn’t very full. I can imagine it would get very busy in the afternoon and at weekends. It’s just so unique and has a charm about it. I doubt people would be able to stay away from the place. The decor was gorgeous. There were picnic tables, clear plastic chairs mixed in with posh leather sofas, lots of wood. It's in an open area so there is lots of natural light too. As soon as we went in I was snapping away, not even caring that people were looking at me like I was some kind of weirdo tourist. (It happens a lot now haha)

We got a couple of hot chocolates for my mam and me, Margaret got tea. I had the chocolate brownie, my mam a croissant and Margaret a slice of Victoria sponge cake. I’ll admit when I was looking at the cakes in the display cabinet, I was a bit disappointed because there didn’t seem to be a lot of choice and they didn’t look too appealing. When they came to the table though I was shocked. My brownie had been heated up and there was a nice dollop of cream beside it, chocolate sauce drizzled over the top. My friends, presentation is everything. The hot chocolate came in a nice deep cup and had some groovy patterns on the top of it. They both tasted amazing too.

Garden Kitchen are known for their garden picnics. I was reading about these on the menu and they sound fantastic. Basically you get a selection of foods that you can share with someone. The food sounds incredible . Think potato salads, coleslaw, tarts and cakes among other things. It sounds like something from the poshest picnic going. You can even get homemade lemonade too. I'm dying to go back and try one. It's £19.95 for two.

Our cakes and drinks today came in at about £16 which is ok value. You can tell from the pictures that it's decent food so that price tag is fine by me. (Plus my mam paid so technically I got it free anyways.) It's ok though because I'll treat her to one of those garden picnics. (Can you tell I'm dying to try one haha)

You can hire the Garden Kitchen out for ‘garden parties’ corporate events and such. They even have events which you can keep up to date with on their website.  I've already signed up to the newsletter. I guess it's pretty obvious that I'm already a big fan.

Have any of you been to Garden Kitchen? Tell me about the picnics...

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