
Flashback Friday: The Newcastle Bike Ride.


When: 2014
Where: Newcastle

It's seems the weather is on the up. I don't want to talk too much about it in case I jinx it though. The North East seeing the sunshine is a gift from God and I don’t want to mess it up. (Maybe a bit over the top, but so be it haha.)

Last year, like this year, and probably every year before that I’ve been trying to eat healthier and trying to get some kind of exercise routine going. It normally fails I’ll have to admit, hence why I seem to be doing it every year. I’m really trying this year though, I need to lose weight to fit into a bridesmaid dress I’m wearing for my mam’s wedding, so there’s some motivation there which is always needed.

For me, I like to be outside exercising, going on the bike or attempting to run, I mean slow jog. I’m nowhere near running stage yet, and when the weather’s nice outside it makes the exercise seem less painful. My ideal thing would be a gigantic outdoor pool/lake that had no weird creatures in it, so I could swim about not thinking that I was going to be eaten by something. (A girl can dream.)

Last year there was one day in particular when me and Geoff (My mams beloved) went on a bike ride around the Dunston/Newcastle area. We stopped at various parts so I could take some pictures. It was a lovely day just cycling about. Plus you get the breeze when you are peddling fast, so you don’t feel the heat as much, it’s not uncomfortable just nice. You can enjoy the sun without being a sweaty mess. (Nice imagery for you there.)

I guess it’s a chance for us to have some kind of fatherly daughtery time since I don’t do anything of the sort with my own dad. It’s nice just forgetting about things and riding around. It makes me feel like a little kid again. I’m terrible when I get to a steep bank though. I have no problem going up it; well except for the being unfit part. Going down is a whole other story. I get terrified that I’m going to fling myself off it. We have dorky helmets to wear now though, so at least I’ll be somewhat safe.

The Town has a nice route right beside the edge of the Tyne. You get to go past all of the newly built houses, not to mention going over the swing bridge and seeing the other bridges and various town sights as you pass them. We also went past the Dunston Staiths which is undergoing renovation work and I think might be open to the public at some point.

There are so many different cycling routes around the Tyne and Wear area. This one is great because of the scenery. It can take between 40 minutes to an hour depending on how fast you are cycling. It's great because the terrain is varied, there are a few good banks to get the heart pumping. There are lots of people about and you go past some busy roads, so if you want something more secluded I'd try a different route. I love passing the cars because it makes me extremely embarrassed, which in turn spurs me on not to stop as I don't want to look weak. You's be surprised how motivated you get when there's built up traffic and everyone can see you struggling to peddle. 

I think it might be time to dust off the cobwebs and get the old bikes back out. I think we've been out once this year. I'm going to look down the list of routes and find some I like the sound of. It's all about just getting out there and seeing whats on offer. (Oh and fitting into that darn dress.)

Do any of you go on bike rides? Where are your favourite places to cycle?

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