Just Another Nature Doggy Walk.


I decided to take Poppy for a nice little stroll into the forest and on the nature walk that we’ve been on a few times. The plan was to go to Saltwell Park, but for some reason the car park was filled and I just couldn’t be bothered with lots of people. I don’t blame them really, summer is here and the weather has been quite nice recently, so I’m not surprised everyone wants to be outdoors.

I love nothing more than going off by myself (dog included) and just going at my own pace. So the next logical place was our own little private path. There is never normally anyone around where we go. I mean we’ve spotted the odd dog and owner before but that’s about it. I love seeing the horses in the fields and the cows and sheep too. I just can’t help feeling like a little kid every time I go past them. Poppy doesn’t seem bothered; I on the other hand, am almost giddy.

We went past the usual little stream. The little bridge going over it reminds me of the Billy Goats Gruff. Poppy loves drinking the water and I dream about living in a little cottage overlooking a stream just like it, little ducks paddling nearby. Honestly there’s nothing like a walk to get you thinking about things or daydreaming. That’s what I spend the majority of my time doing.

I love being surrounded by trees and things too. I love how I can walk the same path, but from one day to the next, little things change. The leaves are different colours, or the sun shining on a particular spot. It just makes everything seem new. Like something you haven’t seen before.

We came across a tractor; I quickly took a little snap of it before the farmers that were working saw me. I was scared to walk across the field in case I was on their private land. It has the coloured arrows though to show its part of a proper walk. It still didn’t stop me running over the field as fast as possible though. (What can I say? I’m weird, but hey you probably knew that already.)

Like usual, I took pictures of my converse in the grass. I'm sure I'll tire of it eventually. It's from looking at this Instagram. I just can't help myself. Wherever I go these days I take a shot of my shoes against the floor. If anything its made me realise that I need to wear something other than my converse once in a while.

Have any of you got a spot where you can just go and ponder the World?

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