
Flashback Friday: Drinking in the Dominican.


When: 2004
Where: Dominican Republic

I went to the Dominican Republic with my brother, dad and step mam. I can’t believe it was so long ago. Time is just flying by.  You know when you’re at that awkward teenage phase. Where you still kind of need your parents and also don’t want to be seen with them, well it was kind of a bit like that. Me and Nathan (my brother) made friends with a group of kids (around about the same age as us, I’m not talking children from the kids club of anything.) and I think this holiday kind of started me off on the whole drinking to fit in/to feel comfortable kind of thing. It’s something I still haven’t grown out of which is quite sad, but hey no one is perfect.

The hotel we stayed at was lovely. (I wouldn’t have a clue what it was called.) I had never been to anywhere that far away from home and it was just gorgeous. Tropical, white sandy beaches, hot weather and lots of palm trees. I remember flamingos walking about the place.

What I remember mostly from this holiday is the little trips that we took. On one we went on a trip to a nearby village. We got to see houses and schools and how people live. We also had a little trek through some jungle-type place (I know my description skills are amazing) and we saw how they made traditional hot chocolate. We got to taste it too. If I remember correctly it was great. (Me loving hot chocolate, say it isn’t so.)

We also went snorkelling and swimming with sharks. I’m not talking great whites (just the thought of that makes me feel sick.) No, these were harmless ones that were black in colour. I can’t remember the name of them.

We also went on a party boat out in the middle of the ocean. Whether that was the best idea my dad and step mam had who knows. In fact I’m going to say no. This trip is kind of on the edge of good and bad.

When we came back from drinking rum and all sorts of concoctions from said trip, Nathan and I went out with our new mates and well the rest is a ablur. My brother ended up in hospital and I ended up at the docs with a drip in my hand. I can laugh about it now, but gosh the hangover was a nightmare. I always thought it made me sound very cool when I used to tell the story to my mates though, that time me (15 years old) and my (13-year-old) brother got mortal in the Dominican. 

This holiday was all kinds of wonderful and all kinds of messed up too. It was spending hours watching the Disney Channel in our hotel room. (I can still remember the songs now.) It was getting a head full of plaits for the first and only time. I looked a bad as Monica from friends, and by god my skull was burnt to a crisp. 

It was swim up bars, cherry print bikinis and spending two weeks sunning myself and swimming about, being free, being a teenager. Having a little midnight stroll to the beach with a boy I fancied. (No nothing like that.)

It was sitting in a hot tub watching out of the window as a bad storm was happening.  It was fun, it was something I'd give anything to relive. It's memories, sweet, amazing memories and no matter what else is going on in life, I'm so grateful I have them. Wow things got a bit deep there for a minute.

Where was your favourite trip ever?

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